Ministry Organizations

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is an international ministry of men within the Anglican Communion with corporate offices in Louisville, Kentucky. The Brotherhood was incorporated by an Act of the U. S. Congress, signed May 30, 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt. This Act states, “The sole object of said Corporation shall be the spread of Christ’s kingdom among men.” Members are required to accept the disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service. Our Associate Rector, Father Ed Bartle, is the National Vice President for Province 4 and Diocesan Coordinator for the Diocese of Central Florida.

Meeting Time: 6:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month (September through June) in the Parish Hall.
Please contact the church office at 352-750-1010 to be directed to the appropriate contact.

Christian Food Pantry

St. George helps support the Christian Food Pantry in Lady Lake, FL with monthly donations of food and funds.

How To Participate: Parishioners bring their non-perishable food and pet supplies on the first Sunday of each month.


The first Cursillos developed in the Roman Catholic Church in Mallorca, Spain, in the late 1940s. The first official Three-Day Weekend in the Episcopal Church was conducted with help from Roman Catholic sponsors in the Diocese of Iowa in 1970.

Cursillo comes from the Spanish; the full title, CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD, has been translated, “short course in Christian living.” Cursillo is intended to help Christians learn and live what is fundamental as a Christian and to discover and live out a personal vocation.Perhaps the strength of the movement comes from the Fourth Day – the life you live after your weekend. Cursillistas get together weekly and monthly to support and find strength in each other as we face the ups and downs of life.

Other denominations have adopted this method (e.g. Walk to Emmaus) and we include them in our Cursillo family at St. George.

When: If you have attended a 3-day weekend, please join us at our monthly reunion (Ultreya) usually held at 6:30 pm, the 1st Saturday of the month in the Parish Hall. A schedule of Ultreya’s is posted on the Bulletin Board in the Parish Hall.

Want to know more about Cursillo, contact the Cursillo Coordinators (Marcie Fairbanks or LaVerne Collins).

Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King is a religious order for women. Founded in 1885, the mission of the Order is the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. The cross we wear reminds us of our commitment to Christ and His church. It also reminds us of the bond we have with our sisters in the Order around the world. The St. Stephen Chapter at St. George provides opportunities for spiritual development and growth for its members. Other activities include hosting funeral receptions, helping the Brotherhood of St. Andrew with its Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, hosting a Maundy Thursday Soup Supper for the parish, hosting Quiet Mornings, and supporting diocesan DOK outreach projects.

When: Our chapter meets at 10:00 am on the third Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall; it does not meet in July and August.

ECW/The Women’s Guild

St. George’s Women’s Guild proclaims the healing love of Jesus Christ through fellowship and social action in our church, our local community and beyond.

The women of St. George work together throughout the year to achieve our mission stated above. Our efforts include:

  • Treats & Treasures Yard Sale raises funds to support our philanthropic efforts aligned with our mission.
  • The Peg Busch Annual Golf Scramble, our fundraiser for Cornerstone Hospice, attracts 100 women each year to play in a friendly competition.
  • Our annual fashion show sells out every year; it is a much-anticipated celebration of our work to support the needy.
  • The Women’s Guild proudly sponsors the St. George Concert Series, which brings beautiful music to all residents in our community.

We invite all the women of the parish to join us in these events and at our monthly meetings, held at noon on the third Thursday of every month (September through May). The Women’s Guild of St. George is associated with the ECW, Episcopal Church Women, the Christian women’s group dedicated to the betterment of all women and girls throughout the world.

Order of St Luke

The International Order of St. Luke the Physician (OSL) is an interdenominational Christian Order of faith, prayer and service. The OSL is made up of clergy, health professionals and lay people who believe healing is an essential part of the teaching and practice of our Lord Jesus Christ and that the healing ministry of Christ belongs in the Church today. We believe that God uses many avenues for healing – some spiritual and some medical – and that they should be supportive of one another. Our purpose is to minister to others through Healing Prayer and develop and extend the ministry in the community by providing healing missions, services and meetings where all people can gather to seek wholeness in body, soul and spirit.

We provide literature, instruction and resource material to all who seek more information on Christian healing. Contact the Church office at 352-750-1010 to get involved.