Welcome to St. George Episcopal Church
Welcome from Our Rector
It is a joy and a pleasure to offer you a warm welcome from your sisters and brothers at St. George Episcopal Church! We are a growing parish in The Villages, filled with the Spirit and dedicated to following Jesus Christ. Whoever you are and wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you are welcome. We don’t want to change you. We want to support you as you grow into the person you were born to be.
St. George is a community of believers who come to worship, to pray, to laugh, to love and to be loved. As the body of Christ, we know that we are his hands and feet on earth, so we care for others as he cares for us. St. George is committed to outreach. We love our fellowship. And we are proud of our excellent music program.
This website, especially our Parish Life page, will give you a small idea of who and what we are. But the best way to find out about us is to come worship with us. Here is a sample of what you will find at our 10am service every Sunday. We look forward to seeing you and serving you!
Worship Services
Thursday: 10am
Saturday: 5pm -Music
Sunday: 8am Rite I, 10am Rite II - Music & Choir

Music Ministry, Choir and Bells are a big part of St. George worship experience. We also host a wonderful concert series in the spring featuring guest artists and groups as well as our own choirs. Be sure to check our music ministry as well as our events schedule for live performances

Our parish community prides itself on its commitment to worship and preaching, ministry to the ill and homebound, and outreach to the community and the world. We enjoy being with one another in the presence of God.

Baptism allows us to pledge our lives to God and lead a Christian life. It is a covenant or agreement whereby one is made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven. Anyone desiring to be baptized or have someone baptized should call the office at 352-750-1010 to make an appointment with the Rector.

St George Episcopal provides a full service with our marriages in order to reaffirm God’s role in holy matrimony. A marriage ceremony at St. George is a solemn and public covenant conducted in the presence of God. Those desiring to be married here should make an appointment with the Rector by calling 352-750-1010. The music offered by our Music Director and our beautiful sanctuary will add to the loveliness of your marriage ceremony.
What to expect at an Episcopal service
It can be a little intimidating walking into a church for the first time. Or maybe it’s just been a long time and a lot has changed.
Before the service it is our custom upon entering church to kneel in one’s pew for a prayer of personal preparation for worship. If the service has already started, we join in without kneeling. It is also our custom to bow to the altar on entering and leaving the church as an act of reverence.
Our Greeters and Ushers will welcome you and may escort you to a pew. If you desire, they will answer your questions about the service. Following the service our priest greets the people as they leave.
As you enter, you will notice an atmosphere of worship and reverence. Your eye is carried immediately to the altar, or holy table, and to the cross. So, our thoughts are taken at once to Christ and to God whose house the church is.
On or near the altar there are candles to remind us that Christ is the “Light of the World” (John 8:12). On most Sundays there are flowers to beautify God’s house and to help us recall the resurrection of Jesus.
Episcopal services are congregational. Your Order of Service includes prayers, hymns, and other information you will need during the service.
You may wonder when to stand or kneel. Practices vary—even among Episcopalians.
The general rule is to stand while we sing—hymns and other Praise Songs (many of these are from the Holy Bible.) We also stand as we say our affirmation of faith, the Creed; and for the reading of the Gospel and during the Holy Eucharist, when noted.
We sit during readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament Letters, the sermon, and the choir anthems. We stand or kneel/sit for prayer to show our gratitude to God for accepting us as children or as an act of humility before God. The readings change each Sunday. Some of the prayers also change, to provide variety and to suit the season.
Please do not be embarrassed to ask your neighbor in the pew for help. You will find the services beautiful in their ordered dignity, God-centered, and yet mindful of the nature and needs of newcomers.
In many Episcopal churches you will find a Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and Hymnal(s).
To add to the beauty and festivity of the services, and to signify their special ministries, the clergy and other ministers wear vestments.
One familiar vestment is the alb, a white tunic with sleeves that covers the body from neck to ankles. Over it ordained ministers wear a stole, a narrow band of colored fabric. Deacons wear the stole over one shoulder, priests and bishops over both shoulders.
At the Eucharist a bishop or priest frequently wears a chasuble (a circular garment that envelopes the body) over the alb and stole.
The color of stoles, chasubles, and altar coverings change with the seasons and holy days of the Church Year. The most frequently used colors are white, red, blue, and green.
The beliefs of Episcopalians can be considered quite diverse. The official standard of worship and belief for Episcopalians is defined in the Book of Common Prayer.
The Creeds: The two ecumenical creeds, both Nicene and Apostles’, are used by the Episcopal Church in its worship day by day and week by week. They are the ancient and universal statements of Christian faith.
The Episcopal Church also has a Catechism which summarizes the faith in question and answer format.
The Book of Common Prayer(BCP) is the primary prayer book used throughout the Anglican communion. Rich with language and heritage, the BCP is something which unifies Anglicans around the world.
When you visit us, you will be our respected and welcomed guest. You will not be singled out in an embarrassing way. You may be asked to let us know that you are a visitor, but the option to respond is yours.
Should you wish to know more about the Episcopal Church or how one becomes a member, the priest will gladly answer your questions and suggest the way to membership.
Come Join Us!
Our Mission
Our mission is to proclaim by word and action the healing love and Good News of God in Christ.
St. George Episcopal Church’s Ministries offer multiple ways to be and get involved in parish life. From support and outreach ministries to faith and spiritual studies.
Religious Education
Our religious education classes are offered Wednesday nights at 7PM and Sunday mornings either 8AM or 9:30AM. For more information about our religious education, please contact us to meet with our educational director.
How to find us
Service times
What to Expect
The episcopal Church