From Fr. John
I have received communication from several in the St. George community expressing concern about the spread of the (COVID-19) coronavirus. I have, also, attempted to read up on the virus and to attempt to discover what other churches and dioceses are doing to make sure we are being prudent.
As you may be aware, you are much more at risk, currently, for contracting or transmitting the common flu. However, the corona virus would cause a great hazard for people in our population.
Here are precautions suggested by the Episcopal Relief and Development:
- Hand washing. Washing your hands properly for at least one minute before you touch your face, eat or drink is the best preventive method to reducing infectious diseases like coronavirus. The Eucharistic ministers have been doing so and will continue to do so.
- Exchanging the Peace. This ancient practice is an important part of our liturgy, but please know that bowing to one another, a “wave,” or a friendly fist bump, is an acceptable alternative.
- Intinction. Many believe that dipping their bread into the cup of wine is preferable to drinking from the common cup, but the scientific research proves just the opposite. “Personal Intinction” is the riskiest way to partake of communion. You may choose to drink from the common cup or receive the bread only. (our theology is very clear—receiving the bread only is entirely sufficient to receive the grace of the sacrament). We use fortified port wine which studies show minimize risk of transmission of disease. Our Lay Eucharist Ministers will ALSO intinct for you, which lowers the risk immeasurably.
*Intinction= the action of dipping the bread in the wine at a Eucharist so that a communicant receives both together - Stay home if you are sick. This is perhaps the best way you can care for others, by reducing the risk of exposure if you are ill.
I suspect we will hear more news in the days and weeks to come, and it is naturally enough for us to be drawn into that orbit. We will be guided by the ERD, the CDC and our Bishop, but I encourage us all to avoid the impulse to reactive fear. Coronavirus is a relatively weak viral infection for most. Use common sense and proper health techniques. Consider ways you can reach out, in love, to your brothers and sisters.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1: 7
In Christ,
Fr. John Kelly