Hello to the Women of St George:
It will not surprise you that we are announcing the following changes to our schedule. We absolutely support the federal and state edicts to practice social distancing as well as Father John’s decision to cancel all events at St George for the next four weeks.
Due to the Coronavirus, we are cancelling the following events:
…the monthly Women’s Guild meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 19 at noon is cancelled
…the fashion show scheduled for Thursday, March 26 at noon is cancelled
…The NW Deanery meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 4 at 9am is cancelled
The 18th Annual Peg Busch Ladies Golf Scramble will most likely be postponed. More details on this later. We appreciate your patience as we work through these details.
The Coronavirus may slow us down, but it will not stop us! Remember our mission:
St George’s Women’s Guild proclaims the healing love of Jesus Christ through fellowship and social action in our church, our local community and beyond.
I want to thank St George’s Women’s Guild board members for their extraordinary efforts to meet the needs of our community. Many thanks also to all the volunteers who have worked side-by-side with us as we adapt our schedule, but not our goals. Thank you, one and all!
Dale Dreps
President, St George Women’s Guild