Musings From The Pulpit: God’s Breadcrumbs

In this homily on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Janet Richardson, Assistant to the Rector of St. George Episcopal Church, discusses the gospel reading in which the Gentile woman asks Jesus to heal her daughter. Rev. Janet ponders whether Jesus’...

COVID-19 Guidelines, effective August 20, 2021

COVID Guidelines The following guidelines took effect August 20: Masks are expected to be worn by all persons indoors regardless of vaccination status 6 ft. distancing required; family groups may still sit together. Choir must wear masks and maintain 6ft distance...

Musings From The Pulpit: How We Should Live & Love

In this homily on the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Marnie Silk Wright, a Pastoral Care Associate at St. George Episcopal Church, discusses the underlying theme in the lessons and psalm for the day – how to live and love. She reminds us that in this...

Musings From The Pulpit: Switching Off Jesus

In this homily on the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Beth Hall, Assistant to the Rector of St. George Episcopal Church, discusses how followers of Jesus “switched him off” because they questioned the voracity of his teachings. Similarly, today with the...

Musings From The Pulpit: Jesus–The Bread of Life

In this homily on the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Ed Bartle, Associate Rector of St. George Episcopal Church, discusses Jesus’ pronouncement that He is the bread of life. Fr. Ed suggests that when we feel the church is not “feeding” us, it may be that we...

Musings From The Pulpit: How Does Jesus Feed Us?

On this Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Janet Richardson, Assistant to the Rector of St. George Episcopal Church, discusses the only miracle of Jesus included in all four gospels – the feeding of the multitude. She poses the question – how does God...